Thursday, July 12, 2007

PC World Launching Robot Shops

PC World is aiming to take robots into the mainstream by announcing a series of dedicated RoboShops, within some of its retail outlets.
Robots are the next big thing apparently, and it feels that there’s some serious dosh to be made from taking the types of things we’ve been covering for years to Joe Public. It looks like those Aibo and Bj mutts are in for some competition.
Among the first products will be the Star Wars-themed home cinema on wheels, the R2-D2 droid. We covered this in detail at this year’s CES and you can see extra shots of this baby, including the cool [yet enormous] Millennium Falcon remote control.

There’ll also be Spykee [pictured], from Meccano, which does exactly as it says on the tin. This is essentially a £200 super-grass on wheels, allowing you to control it remotely by Wi-Fi from your laptop or PC.

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